Building Game Engine Plugin for Securing Components across systems – Show Me

Building a security system with the factors of a 100+ digit non-prime number as keys is an interesting idea. The computational difficulty of factorizing large numbers could indeed add an extra layer of security to your system.

However, there are a few considerations:

Performance: Factorizing large numbers is computationally intensive. If you’re doing it frequently or in real-time, this could impact performance. Depending on the implementation, this could be a client-side or server-side concern.

Security: While factorizing large numbers is difficult, it’s not impossible. As technology advances, so does our ability to solve complex problems. What is secure today may not be secure tomorrow.

Implementation: You’ll need a way to use these factors as keys. This could involve converting them to a format that’s compatible with your system, storing them securely, and implementing a method to check them when needed.

Usability: The complexity of this system could impact usability. It’s important to consider the user experience when designing a security system.

As for creating an API in Python that uses InfluxDB or Flux, you would need to install the respective client libraries. For InfluxDB, you can use the InfluxDB-Python client library. For Flux, there isn’t a specific Python client, but you can use the InfluxDB 2.0 client, which includes support for Flux.

Here’s a general idea of how you might structure the code for your API:

Copy code
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient

def create_db_client(host, port, username, password, dbname):
client = InfluxDBClient(host=host, port=port, username=username, password=password, database=dbname)
return client

def write_data(client, json_body):

def query_data(client, query):
return client.query(query)

client = create_db_client(‘localhost’, 8086, ‘root’, ‘root’, ‘mydb’)
json_body = […] # Data to write
write_data(client, json_body)
results = query_data(client, ‘SELECT * FROM “mydb”.“autogen”.“mymeasurement”’)

This is just a basic example. The actual code will depend on your specific requirements. You’ll also need to handle errors and edge cases.

Regarding the Unreal Engine, there isn’t a native way to use Python scripts or InfluxDB. However, you could create a system where your Unreal application communicates with a separate application that handles the database operations. This would require networking and data serialization/deserialization.

Remember, security is a complex field, and it’s always a good idea to have a security expert review your designs and implementations to ensure they are safe.

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