Why Unity does not have open source code like Unreal Engine? – News & General Discussion

Just asking. I am curious.

Not every game engine gives you access to source code by default. Unity doesn’t so is Autodesk with Stingray. It is a business/legal decision I guess. You can get the source code access upon additional fee if you are a Pro subscriber.

Having said that lots of Unity’s high level systems implementations are open sourced.

Because they don’t want too.

That’s about all it comes down to.

Do you have extensive modifications you’d like to implement in the engine? Are you trying to add platform support for something that doesn’t exist, or implement your own lighting engine or something?

Why do you want the engine to be open source?

No. Just the will to start a new controversy with your first message.
Stay will Unreal and have a nice year.


I agree but isn’t that as good of a reason as any… :smile:

Oh, geez. I just realized you’re one of my favorite iOS developers, behind some of my favorite titles like:

Miami Racing: Furious muscle cars 2 Fast speed for no limits and asphalt legacy


The Dead Town of Walking Zombies – Advanced Assault Warfare Strike

SEO hackery at its finest!


I assume that cause Unity uses a lot of middleware they have a special low cost licenses which each one. If they would have the code open to anyone it would probably increase the costs or might be legally impossible in some cases. The source code access they provide probably seals the deal with all of the middleware authors and covers the license cost changes in regards of code accessibility.

Note that Epic removed all middleware from Unreal 4 to have source available and you have to license everything yourself if you are not happy with the stock features. It’s also not open source since it’s not openly available and requires user to be bound to their license agreement terms.


Their software, their rules. That’s all there is to it.

Also, UNreal is NOT opensource. If think it is opensource, be ready for a visit from epic games lawyer team backed by epic games sniper team. Epic games is not the company you want to mess with.


They say here that the “Code is copyrighted but knowledge is free!”.

Yes. But nowhere do they say that it is “open source”. That term has implied meaning and they are not releasing their code to be used for anything except their engine and games made with it.

Neither do I; people reading too fast did and people who don’t want to hear otherwise repeat and spread the false news.

They also say:

Basically, this is a proprietary license created in such way that epic game can keep track of people using their source. In case of violation of any part of EULA they can cut off your source code access.

Also, see this thread:


Why do you say “my” code? I’m not using Unreal and I’m perfectly aware that it’s not open source.

Anyway, how many people actually read the EULAs and Users’ agreements? The people who claim that Unreal Engine is open source certainly didn’t.

By the way, it’s probably the same kind of terms that apply to Unity’s full code when It’s made available to pro users.

I said “your code access”, not “your code”. And “you” did not refer to “you specifically”.

Anyone who is serious about publishing anything made with either engine would read the whole thing.


Why do you say “my” code? I’m not using Unreal and I’m perfectly aware that it’s not open source.
[/quote] I’m pretty sure neg meant “your” in the general sense. Not you specifically.

I’ve ready Unity’s Terms of Service / Licensing Agreement. It’s actually not that long, and is super important if you actually want to create a game and release it in accordance with all applicable laws and such.


In 2007, Silicon Knights sued Epic Games for failure to “provide a working game engine”, causing the Ontario-based game developer to “experience considerable losses.”

On August 9, 2007, Epic Games counter-sued Silicon Knights, claiming that they were using its engine without paying royalties.[11] On May 30, 2012, Epic Games defeated Silicon Knights’ lawsuit, and won its counter-suit for $4.45 million on grounds of copyright infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, and breach of contract

On May 16, 2014, following the loss of the court case, Silicon Knights was sued until it filed for bankruptcy




So a bunch of dishonest losers at Silicone Knights tried to deliver an Epic Lawsuit to Epic Games but instead it was an Epic Fail?

I am surprised they didn’t blame EPIC for a lack of dark theme or orange theme as a result as to why they couldn’t finish their game.

ok ok I just had to, love when Karma is working.

Back to making my game now you people stop disturbing me with such hilarious and awesome articles

That’s not even close to an accurate statement. It’s a lot more complicated than your summary suggests. Silicone Knights was composed of a lot of respectable industry veterans. They had a dispute with Unreal, and Unreal won.

I’m not sure why an aspiring game developer would ever celebrate the business failings, collapse, and full-termination of a professional development studio. It was a really sad event (that as I recall, was punctuated by a number of other promising and long-time studio closings around the same period), not the least of reasons because all of the employees who had nothing to do with licensing decisions and usage details lost their jobs because of the whole thing.


Probably because they spend a lot of time making a product that makes your life as easy as possible. If you needed source, they likely feel like they’re doing it wrong.

It looked like a case of dishonest people trying to scam Epic Games, that is from the wikipedia link he posted. Which ultimately resulted in EPIC winning instead, then we found out they broke every rule in the book. This is VERY clear in the judgement.

Unless EPIC games secretly bribed the Judge I would assume the judgement made here was correct. I am going based on what the Judge ruled, and there are MANY dishonest “professional and respectable people” in the game industry so don’t even try that.

And there are many douche bags in the “Professional” industry I have been scammed by big AAA and Indie companies as a consumer and I was very happy to see S2 Games go bankrupt after they stole $500 USD from me and deleted my HON account and there was nothing I could do about it I asked for a refund of my $500 and I was denied they then blocked me and the bank in my country could not recover the money even to this day and mind you S2 was very “respectable” in scamming people.They ultimately sold HON to garena and tried to scam even more people with Savage Resurrection which ultimately resulted in an epic fail and we all celebrated on the steam forums

So yes I do take pleasure in seeing evil and dishonest people or studios fall regardless of what I aspire to be.

Did that mean every employee of S2 Games were evil scamming douche bags? nope but I was very pleased to witness them going bankrupt after Savage Resurrection Failed, it meant that people did not forget who they really were, people remembered well and the word got out to avoid them at all costs.

Not to mention how S2 also tricked developers to create Strife and then fired everyone as soon as Strife came out of the door they then stole all the money and ran and abandoned you guessed it yet another game.

Does it mean all the people were bad? nope but the death of S2 was the best thing as it put a stop to them scamming innocent people who believed in them because they were actually an established and trusted company

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