Can you make mobile games with Unreal Engine?

Mobile games are currently one of the most popular ways to pass time and connect with others. A recent report by Statista shows that around a fifth of mobile gamers across the globe spent between 1 and 7 hours a week playing games on their phones or handheld device. It might not seem much, but those hours can add up quickly.

When it comes to game development, it’s hard to create them without the aid of game engines – a software framework on top of which the game is built. If they didn’t exist, developers would have to create everything from scratch multiple times, greatly increasing the production cost of games, which would be passed on to the average gamer. And no one would like that.

There are many game engines out there, with Unity being the most popular one, but is it possible to create mobile games with Unreal Engine? In this article, we will give you the answer, explain how Unreal Engine can be a great choice for mobile game development, and five examples of games made with this fantastic engine.

Shall we?

Can you make mobile games with Unreal Engine?

Yes, developing mobile games with Unreal Engine is possible. Having garnered a massive following over the years, it is one of the top choices for mobile game development, enabling developers to create incredibly performant 2D and 3D games that look phenomenal.

Unreal Engine’s capabilities will be pushed even further beyond with the recent release of its fifth iteration, which brings even more tools for developers: Lumen (a fully dynamic global illumination system), Nanite (a virtualized geometry system that can handle massive amounts of polygons without noticeable loss of quality), Virtual Shadow Maps (for dynamic shadows), Temporal Super Resolution (a native upsampling system), and much more.

3D render showcasing Unreal Engine 5's Lumen in action.
UE5’s Lumen in action.

Why is Unreal Engine a great choice for mobile game development?

Even though all game engines serve their main purpose, Unreal Engine is usually better suited for game development for a myriad of reasons. Let’s look into why it is a surefire way to develop fantastic games:

  • Development for multiple platforms: otherwise known as “cross-platform development”, Unreal Engine allows developers to create games that work on both Android and iOS platforms. It also enables developers to port their creations to other platforms, such as desktops and consoles;
  • In-depth documentation: Epic’s game engine has one of the most in-depth documentation in game development, with a wide variety of tutorials to help you get started with the tool. Its mobile game development documentation is definitely worth a read;
  • Huge development community: Unreal Engine sits among the most used game engines. With a following this large, you won’t have problems finding resources, tutorials, and tools, making it easier for new developers to get up to speed;
  • It is open-source: many developers around the world prefer using open-source software, as they can modify the original code to better suit their development pipeline, making it more efficient. In other words, Unreal Engine can be customized to your heart’s content;
  • Create without leaving the engine: it’s possible to create new characters, environments, and props without leaving Unreal Engine, which comes bundled with an extensive set of drawing and painting tools (for 2D assets) and allows developers to model, sculpt, texture, rig, and animate 3D models without the need for third-party software, making it a great all-in-one solution;
  • Strong performance: thanks to its efficient architecture and optimized rendering engine, games developed with Unreal Engine tend to have great performance – even on low-end mobile devices;
  • AAA game studios sometimes use Unreal Engine: even though this is not an advantage on its own, knowing that Unreal Engine is trusted by many leading game studios is a fact that speaks for itself;
  • Last, but not least, you can get started for free: Unreal Engine’s licensing model is very permissive, as the game engine is completely free to use until you reach $1 million in revenue. And even then it’s still a fantastic deal: Epic only requires you to pay 5% of whatever you generate after you reach the threshold.
Promotional screenshot for Final Fantasy VII's remake.

Can you make mobile games with Unreal Engine?
Final Fantasy VII’s remake was developed with Unreal Engine 4.

How does Unreal Engine compare to Unity for mobile game development?

Unity is currently the most popular game engine across the globe and is often the choice for beginner developers, with Unreal Engine coming close. Let’s make a quick comparison between both game engines:

  • Programming language: Unity uses C#, which is not hard to pick up and use, making it a more beginner-friendly game engine. Unreal, on the other hand, uses C++, which is harder to grasp, and it can get troublesome once you start “thinking with pointers.” Thankfully, Unreal Engine has a visual scripting tool called Blueprint, which allows developers to create the game’s logic without having to write thousands of code lines;
  • Graphics: Unity games can have phenomenal, AAA-grade visuals, but you will have a much easier time implementing them with Unreal Engine;
  • Performance: Unity does a great job ensuring a game runs well – but, in extreme scenarios, games created with Unreal Engine are likely to perform better;
  • VR and AR game development: smartphones are the perfect medium for AR technology as it stands now. Developers can use both engines to create AR/VR experiences, but Unity takes the edge as its systems and plugins are more robust than Unreal’s;
  • Community: both engines have a huge online following, but Unity, being the most popular game engine, has an edge over Unreal. That doesn’t mean Unreal Engine’s community is small, though – far from it.

Generally speaking, Unity is the go-to game engine if you want to release your game as quickly as possible, while Unreal Engine should be your choice if you have a higher budget, a complex project in mind, and want your game to have the best quality possible – even if release takes longer.

Nonetheless, your choice should be based on the specific needs of your project. Taking its goals and budget into consideration is also a must when deciding on which one to use, but remember: both engines are rock-solid options, being used regularly to create games that players love.

5 incredible mobile games made with Unreal Engine

Now that you understand Unreal Engine’s advantages and differences when compared to Unity, let’s showcase its potential by taking a look at some mobile games developed with Unreal Engine:

Life is Strange Mobile

Screenshot from Life is Strange Mobile trailer. Two CGI women.

Life is Strange is a narrative-driven adventure game originally released for PC and console, but its universal success encouraged developers to bring the game to the mobile platform through a process called “porting,” during which the game has received several optimizations to be a smooth experience for smartphones and tablets.

In Life is Strange Mobile, players control a teenage girl named Max, who discovers her ability to go back in time. As players progress through the game, they must make decisions that impact the story’s outcome and navigate the complex relationships between characters.

In other words, its mobile iteration features the same compelling story, memorable characters, and gorgeous visuals as the original game, just optimized for a mobile experience.

Blade & Soul Revolution

Screenshot from "Blade & Soul Revolution"

Blade & Soul Revolution is a mobile MMORPG set in a fantasy world that takes massive inspiration from Asian martial arts and mythology. If the name sounds familiar to you, it is because this game is a spin-off of Blade & Soul for PC, which remained very popular for a while.

In Blade & Soul Revolution, players have access to a deep character customization system, with which they create a character from one of four races and six classes to embark on an epic journey filled to the brim with intense combat, complex dungeons, and a rich, expansive world. The game showcases Unreal Engine’s graphical capabilities and comes with a fast-paced, real-time PvP combat that enables players to express themselves in impressive displays of skill.

MAD8: Raid Battle

Screenshot from MAD8: Raid Battle.

MAD8: Raid Battle is a mobile action RPG developed with Unreal Engine. It features fast-paced, real-time combat as you would expect from an ARPG, and a variety of raids that can be tackled solo or with friends. Players can create characters from a variety of classes and incrementally equip them with more powerful gear and abilities as they progress through the game.


Screenshot from Overhit.

Overhit is a mobile game that heavily resembles JRPGs, famous for its turn-based combat, but it’s hard to put in a box – some call it a multi-hero RPG. In this game, players assemble a team of heroes and embark on a journey to save the world from destruction. As usual with Unreal Engine games, the visual quality of the game is impressive, and the voice-acting is top-notch, too.


Screenshot from Shurado.

Shurado might be an old game, but its graphics, animations, and grimdark art style are still great by today’s standards, especially considering it’s a mobile game. Developed by Gumi Inc., this action game takes heavy inspiration from masterpieces like Tekken and Dark Souls, amalgamating them into a singular experience. 

In this game, players control a powerful warrior fighting through hordes of enemies in a quest for revenge. As they progress through the game, players will find a variety of weapons and abilities to become even more powerful, but beware: being able to react quickly and accordingly is a must, as even a slight misstep might spell doom for you.

Unreal Engine for Mobile Game Development

When it comes to crafting captivating mobile games, Unreal Engine stands as a formidable choice. Mobile game developers have increasingly turned to Unreal Engine for creating stunning experiences on both Android and iOS platforms. This powerful engine offers an extensive toolset for game development, whether you’re building a simple 2D game or a complex 3D masterpiece.

Unreal Engine’s sprite-based animation system and Paper 2D support make it a go-to solution for 2D game development, while its use of C++ ensures efficient and performant coding. The engine’s popularity among mobile game developers is not surprising, given its track record of powering hits like Fortnite, Injustice 2, and Mortal Kombat on various platforms. So, if you’re pondering over whether to choose Unreal Engine for your mobile game project, rest assured that it offers the versatility and capabilities to bring your gaming vision to life on the mobile devices of your choice.

Closing thoughts

As we have highlighted in this article, it is indeed possible to create mobile games with Unreal Engine, currently one of the most popular game engines on the market. There are many advantages to it – such as incredible graphics that don’t sacrifice performance, a gigantic community, the ability to develop games for multiple platforms at the same time, and of course, its usage by many AAA companies across the globe.

Sure, it might be inferior to Unity in some aspects. Still, it’s challenging to beat Unreal Engine’s extensive documentation and awe-inspiring graphical capabilities, which have been used to their fullest in the games listed above.

Now that you have a firm grasp on what Unreal Engine is capable of, how about giving game development a try? It’s a hard, long, and arduous task, but the rewards are there, just around the corner. And if you ever need a helping hand to bring your game to reality, remember that working with professionals is a surefire way to have a high-quality game in your hands!

We are Main Leaf, a professional game studio located in Brazil. In the market since 2010, we create fantastic games on demand, and we look forward to working with you! Our roster of 70+ talented professionals is well-versed in Unity and Unreal game engines, developing carefully handcrafted experiences that will make a lasting impression on your players.

Therefore, if you’re ready to take your mobile game development to the next level, take the first step right now by requesting a game quote with Main Leaf – you will hear from us within 24 hours, we promise!

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